How to Declutter for a Fresh Start
Decluttering isn’t just about getting rid of stuff-it’s about embracing a fresh start. If you are an empty nester downsizing might be in the near future. The decision to downsize often comes with mixed emotions—relief, excitement, and maybe even a little anxiety—but it doesn’t have to be overwhelming.
Ever wonder what it would feel like to let go of all the clutter and simplify your life? In this post, I’ll walk you through decluttering, selling, donating, and embracing your new chapter to prepare you to downsize.
Do you need help finding where to donate your used items you no longer need? Click here for a list of over 30 locations that will accept your donations.
Below are common reasons people collect clutter:
- Might need the item someday.
- Sentimental Value
- Home is large enough to hold all of their belongings.
- They are chronically unorganized.
- They leave stuff out to make it easier to find.
- They feel wasteful or guilty for throwing things away.
- They feel you never have time to get organized.
- They were brought up by pack rats.
- Give to children when they move out.
There are many benefits to downsizing which can include decluttering, financial freedom, and a more manageable home, less maintenance, and a simplified life. So, how do you achieve this huge task?
The Cost of Clutter
Clutter can cost you time, money, socially, and emotionally. How often are you late because you can’t find your keys? How often do you have to replace something because you can’t find it only to find it later after purchasing a new one? If your home is constantly a mess, you are stressed about people stopping by or you don’t invite people into your home. Clutter causes people stress and makes them less productive as they always have something standing in the way of achieving their goals.
Decluttering Journey
Beginning a decluttering journey starts with the desire to have a clean organized space. The need to downsize in your empty nesting years can motivate you to complete this task. Especially if you need to downsize for monetary purposes due to a loss of job or retirement. Once your children move out of your home, you can stop holding on to possessions with the idea your children will want them when they have their own place. This is a very common reason people keep more than what they use.
Consequently, I have a house full of items I wanted to pass on to my children. My children are spaced about 5 years apart, so I have experienced the moving out process multiple times and have adjusted with each child on what to expect. The main thing that I discovered is that when your children move out, they do not want most of the stuff that you have been holding on to for years. More than likely, the kitchen supplies, towels, or furniture you want to give them are old, out of date, and not their style to begin with. They want to start fresh! They may want some of your saved items that hold special memories but that will be minimal. Understanding this will help you declutter and possibly sell or donate these items to a non-profit.
Sentimental keepsakes are the most difficult to declutter. Your child’s first of everything, school papers and drawings, or their bed or special rocking chair you used when they were babies. If your children are not in a place in their lives where they can store items they may use when they decide to have children like toys or furniture, you get to decide how much you want to store for them. I recommend letting your child(ren) know you are decluttering and will set a time for them to see what you plan to get rid of. For the children that are far away send them pictures and have a discussion of what to keep. If you want to get rid of everything at the same time, choose a date when all your children can come home to go through what items will be donated or sold if they are not interested. This will help prevent disappointments in the future if something is donated that someone wanted to keep.
The Plan
Keep reading for a step-by-step easy to follow decluttering plan that will help you achieve your fresh start. Change into something comfortable, get some wine, turn on some music, and let’s get busy! Not sure what to do with the items you want to get rid of? Click here for a list of over 30 organizations that you can donate your discarded items to.
- What are your goals for downsizing? Is it to achieve more usable space, simplify belongings, or preparing to move? Set a timeline. Downsizing can take time and working in manageable chunks of time will keep you on task and motivated.
- You can break up the tasks by rooms or by setting a timer and working an hour at a time.
- Be sure to take before and after pictures. This is a great way to remind yourself of what the space used to look like and what a great job you did cleaning it out!
Sorting System
- Keep: Items you truly need or have sentimental value
- Donate: Items that no longer fit your lifestyle but are in good shape and might be useful to others
- Sell: Furniture or valuables you no longer need but are still usable
- Recycle/Dispose: Items that can’t be reused or are too worn to donate
Gather need supplies
- Moving boxes
- Bags for donations
- Packing material
- Labels and markers
Where to Begin
Start in areas of the home that you spend the most time. You will feel the difference quicker and stay motivated to keep working throughout your home.
Living Room
- Sort through entertainment center. Remove all items no longer in use. Do you still listen to CDs or watch DVDs?
- Throw away any electronics that are missing pieces or no longer work.
- Discard or donate old artwork or knickknacks. These clutter up your space and cause more work while you are cleaning.
- If you are downsizing, figure out how much space you have and only keep items that will work.
Kitchen & Pantry
- Clear out excess kitchen utensils, gadgets, appliances, and cookware you do not use.
- Sort through expired or duplicate food items. Throw away any expired foods.
- Set a limit on how many of one item to keep. Do you really need four of the same pan?
Bedrooms & Closets
- Go through drawers first and get rid of items that you no longer use or need.
- Look through shoes and get rid of items that don’t fit correctly, no longer in style, or are shoes that you keep thinking you might wear one day.
- If you are downsizing, this would be a good time figure out what will fit in your new space and get rid of what is in excess. This will make your move less expensive with less boxes.
Kids Rooms
- Empty Nesters can now repurpose or reorganize old rooms.
- Sort through childhood items(keep sentimental items and donate what is no longer needed)
- Put items your child wants for when they are in a more permanent location in a plastic bin.
Garage, Attic, and Basements
- Clean out old toys that no one wants to donate. Might want to keep a small selection for when you grandchildren come over to play. I keep one plastic bin full.
- Sell or donate any items that are no longer used that are taking up valuable space
Home office and Paperwork
- Go through old files, tax documents, and office supplies. Invest in a crosscut shredder to shred confidential documents.
- You can digitize receipts or important papers using the Lens Office App on your phone or purchase a scanner.
- Donate all office supplies no longer needed. Click here for a list of organizations that need office supplies.
- Once you have decluttered remove unnecessary file cabinets or furniture
Key Points to Remember
- Set Limits by Category – How many of one item do you really need?
- Use the Container Concept – Only keep the items that will fit in the space provided
- Evaluate Usefulness – Do you really use this item?
- One In, One Out Rule – If you buy an item then you need to donate an item.
- Seasonal Rotation – Keep the items you will use during that season out and store the rest.
- Set an organizing Schedule – Decluttering is an ongoing process. Schedule time to continue this process.
- Click here for a list of over 30 non-profit organizations that will accept donations.
Enjoy your peaceful and decluttered living space!
Declutter to simplify your space and enjoy the transition to a new phase of life, whether it’s a smaller home, a new lifestyle, or simply embracing the freedom of living with less. By donating your discarded items, you can help others in need. Click here for a list of organizations that needs your unwanted possessions.